Why should I care about Stormwater if I have no problems?
When it rains stormwater affects everyone. When stormwater runoff accrues it floods streets, alleys, parking lots, all of which residents need to travel whether going to work, shopping, school or daily activates. Stormwater carries pollutants to our rivers and streams.
What is stormwater runoff?
Normally stormwater can soak into the ground if the ground is not all ready saturated but if it is it has nowhere to go so it runs off onto the streets. As well when it rains on impervious surfaces it has nowhere to go but in the streets. Impervious surfaces are solid surfaces such as streets, roofs, parking lots, which do not allow water to soak into the ground.
How can pollutants get into stormwater?
When it rains on the impervious surfaces it will pick up and carry of oils, chemicals, animal waste and other pollutants on the ground and carry in off to our water ways. This in turn can pollute the water ways for fish, wildlife and potentially our drinking water.