Portfolio Category: Municipalities


In the complex world of wastewater treatment HEC offers a combined staff experience of over 40 years in the field of wastewater treatment. HEC is committed in preserving the environment through effective and efficient treatment operations. HEC believes that through these efforts we can all become good stewards of the environment. We can evaluate the treatment...
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Stormwater is the last regulatory compliance issue to come down from the federal government, although these challenges are new they can be dealt with and handled in an effective and efficient manner. Federal and State mandate require that the municipalities, industries and construction sites develop a plan in dealing with stormwater run-off specific time...
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Indust Pretreatment

Industrial pretreatment encompasses the treatment of wastewater from industry to the municipal treatment facility. Pretreatment is to ensure that pollutants discharged from industry wastewater do not adversely effect the operation or pass through the wastewater treatment plant and cause health or safety problems to the environment. HEC has helped our clients develop pretreatment programs in...
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