Industrial Pretreatment

Industrial pretreatment encompasses the treatment of wastewater from industry to the municipal treatment facility. Pretreatment is to ensure that pollutants discharged from industry wastewater do not adversely effect the operation or pass through the wastewater treatment plant and cause health or safety problems to the environment. HEC has helped our clients develop pretreatment programs in order for them to stay in compliance. We have also wrote and or reviewed dozens of industrial discharge permits for SIU and categorical users. As well we have inspected many and varied industrial pretreatment processes for our clients. We have helped municipalities with the establishment and enforcement of local discharge sewer limits.

• Discharge Permits
• Rule 5 and 6
• SWPPP (Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans) approval
• Compliance Inspections and Monitoring
• Enforcement Actions
• Local Limits Development
• Slug Plans and Review
• Emergency Spill Response
• Pretreatment Development and Management
• MSDS Training